Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Close.....Yet still so far

The Love Shack is coming along. I on the other hand, am getting a bit impatient. But patience is a virtue and I am determined to be a virtuous woman.....dammit!
Hubby had yesterday off. We headed out about 7:00, and while he was putting in floor I ran some errands. Then we worked at the house until leaving for Grants Pass to check out a hot tub he found on craigslist. Oh my. All I can say is it was a wasted trip. Well, except for the beautiful drive and time spent with Hubby. Never a waste.
The living room floor is almost done. It was a bear getting the wood nailed down under the fireplace. Cool design, not so cool to work under. My husband is amazing. Truly. I have watched him over the last 32 years do basically anything and everything that needs to be done. I admire him so much!
Starting to move stuff from camper into Love Shack. Hubby wants to stay there tonight. I am not so anxious. He will most likely win.
Here are some pics of our (really his) progress. So far we love it.The floor is birch wood. Really beautiful, resembles maple. We chose a light wood because of the wood ceiling and also because the house has such a modern feel.
 Here is a shot of the ceiling. These ceilings are throughout the house and part of the mid-century modern architecture.
Another beautiful end to our work day.


  1. You two are just amazing! It's really awesome what you guys are doing to renovate the Love Shack. I love the big open beams in the ceiling. Can't wait to come visit.

  2. Wow that flooring is gorgeous! And I LOVE the ceiling! Beautiful! You documenting this newest Holly and Craig adventure is just the coolest thing. I want to be like you when I grow up. <3

  3. Your ceiling is gorgeous! Is that pine?
