Saturday, January 8, 2011

Free Carpet?

Today we didn't get as much done as we had anticipated. It started off well. We got a great deal on some birch wood flooring. We weren't really sure if we would be able to do the floors (living room and dining room) right now, because money is tight. But the deal was made and we are happy. New floor should arrive on Tuesday, take about a week to acclimate, and then husband will be upping his ibuprofen intake.
So, we ordered the floor and headed back to the Love Shack to start ripping up the carpet. (Who puts carpet in a dining room anyway?) We discovered more old tile under the carpet. It was pretty cool, really. I bet it made quite a statement back in the day.
Hubby was pulling up carpet, I was pulling up staples, and hubby's phone was ringing. And ringing. And ringing. Before we left this morning, he suggested I post an ad on craigslist (his home away from home) for free carpet. I asked who in the heck would want some old faded carpeting? He assured me that it would be a hot item. He was right. A nice couple will be picking it up tomorrow at 11:00. If they don't show up we have many back up numbers. Good-bye old carpet.
I took the lovely wallpaper off in the master bathroom. (Who puts wallpaper up anyway? Not a fan.)
We took a break to sit out on the balcony and enjoy the beautiful sunshine, and eventual sunset. Incredible. Feels like I'm in a tree house!!
Then it was time to mix up some paint. We haven't paid full price for paint in years. We buy up all the "oops" paint we can find, then husband custom mixes it. Today he was mixing in between fielding free carpet phone calls. He couldn't quite hit on the right shade to please wife, so we decided to call it a day.
Oh, we met the neighbors! They came by to welcome us with a list of names and phone numbers from the neighborhood watch. Nice people. They are really into gardening and assured us we have a beautiful yard  come spring. I didn't have the heart to tell them we hope to put in a pool. They told us that the previous owners of the house had it custom built. God bless them, we sure love it!!!


  1. Great,
    Now Craig will be happy as he'll have projects for the next 6 months. You guys make me feel lazier than I actually am. Enjoy the new "digs". We are waiting until the work is over to come relax.

  2. Carpet in the dining room! One of the worst decorating crimes of the century. (We have it in our townhouse, too. Vacuuming under the table makes me shriek like nails down a chalkboard.) Who gets used carpet off craigslist? You sure are making great progress. Hurray for new flooring (and hand-mixed paint?)!
