Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Had to laugh last night. Husband was in the bedroom painting, I was scooting on the living room subfloor pulling carpet padding out of the staples then hammering them down. I could hear him sighing and moaning and caught myself doing the same with every scoot. We are learning that we are not as young (or in shape) as we used to be. Frustrating for sure, but reality sometimes is. Check out our sweet dishwasher!
OK, now comes the question of the week. Can anyone tell me what this wooden thing-a-ma-jiggy is? It was hanging in the kitchen and at first I thought it must be to hold recipes while cooking, but there is no way to get anything to hang from it. It was installed with the cabinets, so it is very old and must have served a purpose. Anybody have an answer? Anybody?


  1. Looks like it is a day marker. There are 7 in each box and 3 boxes are Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

  2. Oh....I see that now. But marking for what? Medicine? Hmmmm. Thank you my smart friend!!! :)

  3. Ric says it's a "Homa-Hacka-Kumbobulator"

  4. Oh wow.....THAT'S what it is!!! So, ask Ric how one uses such a thing??

  5. I have no idea what that wooden thing is... You should send a picture in to Country magazine - they have that section where people can post things that they've no clue about and the readers (mostly older people, lol) respond.

    And that is one sweet dishwasher. Does it work well? I hope so - it's an awesome "period piece" to the Love Shack!
